May 19-20, 1999

ITEM 103-1501-R0599 Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana

THAT: The Board of Regents authorize, in accordance with Montana University System Policy 940.23, the expenditure of approximately $115,000 of student computer fees to develop and network microcomputer laboratories at Montana Tech.

EXPLANATION: Proposed plan calls for the purchase of Pentium based PC's along with peripheral and output devices. In addition, network servers, switches and wiring will be upgraded in key locations to accommodate increased usage. The new PC's will be placed in Tech's PC labs. The machines currently in the PC labs will be distributed to other on-campus labs. The net effect of this purchase is to provide state-of-the-art, uniform microcomputer equipment and peripherals in the majority of student labs.

Tech's microcomputer proposal was developed in conjunction with and was unanimously approved by the campus-wide Computer Committee which is comprised of the appropriate student representatives as authorized by Montana University System Policy 940.23.

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