FY2005 Budget Development Update

The mission of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station is to serve the people of Montana. Its goals are to expand critical knowledge, through cutting edge research in agriculture and natural resources, that sustains and enhances Montana s quality of life and to provide solutions that add value to Montana s resources. To achieve these goals, MAES is committed to expanding the knowledge based strengths, introducing innovation and building distinction in programs that best serve the needs of our state and society.


With seven research centers located throughout the state, the Ft. Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory located at Miles City and six academic departments located on the MSU-Bozeman campus, MAES researchers are addressing many of the issues currently facing Montana agriculture. These areas include but, are not limited to, the development of new vaccines and delivery stems for livestock diseases, West Nile Virus, integrated pest management strategies for irrigated and rainfed crops, implementation of integrated weed management systems, determining the genetics of beef quality and tenderness, and the development of value-added end-use agriculture products that have a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

MAES researchers also cooperate with state, regional and federal agencies on research to provide dynamic programs that generate and disseminate superior knowledge and produce advances in technology that increase competitiveness and profitability as well as developing effective outreach and education programs for stakeholders.

Several major commodity groups provide funding for various areas of research. These include, but are not limited to, the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, the Montana Sugarbeet Growers, the Montana Mint Growers and the Montana Fertilizer Advisory Board. Research is funded on a competitive basis from proposals submitted by MAES faculty. These groups not only have direct input in the research they fund but also make recommendations for other areas of research where they feel there is an urgent need.


FY05 Budget Concerns


Due to current interest rates, a primary concern for FY05 is revenue generated from interest earnings. The FY04 revenue shortfall will be approximately $148,000 with a like amount projected for FY05. As a result MAES will again experience a substantial amount of nonexpendable budget.


Approximately 85% of the MAES FY05 budget is personal services. With the increases in direct costs, rising energy costs, the increasing cost of gasoline and diesel fuel and with the cost of animal care, difficult decisions will have to be made in regard to building and equipment repair and maintenance.


Key faculty will continue to be recruited by other institutions and agencies as we are no longer in a position to retain them.

Overall, however; the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and allied faculty in the College of Agriculture remain highly productive and committed to excellence.