July 8-9, 1999
ITEM 104-1007-R0799 Renovate Health Professions Lab, College of Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula
Consistent with the provisions of MCA 18-2-102, the Board of Regents of the Montana University System authorizes The University of Montana to implement steps necessary to renovate the Health Professions Lab at the Missoula College of Technology. Funding for this project in the amount of $115,680 will come from Student Building Fees available for this purpose.EXPLANATION: Renovation of the Health Professions Lab located in HB-15 would provide tremendous benefits for current and future students enrolled in the Health programs at the College of Technology. Four health programs currently use the 1,400- square-foot room--Practical Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Surgical Technology and Medical Assisting. Each program requires realistic care settings to prepare students to complete program expectations. This project will construct two patient rooms with beds in each area similar to a two-bed hospital setting, and a mock surgery room.