July 8-9, 1999
ITEM 104-2004-R0799 Approval of Design/Construction Contract for the Stadium Sound System; Montana State University - Bozeman
Consistent with the provisions of HB603 enacted by the 54th Legislature, the Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the contract for design and construction of the stadium sound system at Montana State University-Bozeman (see attachment), and authorizes the Commissioner or his designee to sign the contract and any other documents necessary to satisfy the requirements of HB603. The Contract for Design and Construction is for the amount of $52,494.Consistent with the provisions of HB603, MSU-Bozeman warrants to the Board of Regents that no commitment of state-appropriated funds for design, construction, operations or maintenance is expressed or implied.
Consistent with the provisions of HB603, MSU-Bozeman also warrants that this contract has been negotiated in the best interests of the State. Black Box Design, the contractor, was selected based on the University's positive previous experience with the firm, their excellent specific knowledge and past experience with MSU's existing sound system elements, their reputation for quality and integrity, their willingness to meet MSU's rigorous schedule requirements, and their in-kind contributions which allowed the current system to function during the past football season.
EXPLANATION: 1. MSU-Bozeman intends to execute the Contract for Design and Construction, and to have the new sound system installed prior to the first home football game of the season.
2. This project will be funded with (non-appropriated) Auxiliaries revenue in excess of debt service obligations.
ATTACHMENT: Contract for Design and Construction, dated June 1, 1999.