ITEM 106-2707-R0300 ATTACHMENT
ITEM 106-2707-R0300 ATTACHMENT
Enhancement of Institution=s approved Role and Scope
The Business Geographics minor fits well within the institution=s mission as it takes an interdisciplinary approach to study and service to the community. The proposed minor encourages the use of information technology in the advancement of student learning, a role defined in the Universitys mission. It also promotes the integration of theory and practice, and there are direct applications of the program content in increased career opportunities for graduates with this specialization. The Business Geographics minor is consistent with the availability of resources and the institutional mission.
Need for Program
Geographic Information systems (GIS) is increasingly utilized by the academic, business, government, and not-for-profit communities in diverse ways. Applications are especially prevalent in planning, location analysis, logistics, and market analysis. Local government and health sectors are particularly interested in this technology. While applications are growing, no programs in business geographics exist in the state or region.
MSU-Billings College of Business has been offering several classes in business GIS over the past few years. These offerings have generated considerable student interest. In addition, the geography program now offers several courses in GIS and related technologies. The intent of the proposed minor is to integrate these interdisciplinary offerings (in MIS, Marketing and Geography) and offer a coordinated minor that will enhance student technical skills in Business GIS.
Relationship to Other Programs on Campus
The Business GIS minor was developed with the cooperation of the MIS, Marketing and Geography disciplines. The minor draws on coursework from all three areas, and will be delivered with faculty from these disciplines. This interdisciplinary cooperation will strengthen the depth and scope of the proposed minor.
Relationship to Other Institutions
There are no other programs - majors or minors - in Business Geographics in the state or region.
This is a unique, interdisciplinary program. It incorporates existing courses in business and geography, with an emphasis toward business applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The minor is particularly pertinent to our mission and location in the largest urban area in the state. A number of businesses, including not-for-profits and public agencies in our region, are beginning to use this technology.
With the exception of one course, all the courses in this minor are already offered at MSU-Billings, and transfer of these credits (into either Geography or Business) would proceed as in the past.
Business Geographics involves analyzing business data for relevant spatial information to improve decision-making. Applications cover a multitude of fields, including marketing, logistics, and general management decisions in both business and not-for-profit institutions (especially in the health and planning fields). This minor developed out of increasing interest in GIS and desktop mapping in the business community and the classroom. Under the auspices of a just-completed FIPSE grant, the marketing department developed and has been offering a one credit computer seminar in desktop mapping and business geographics. At the same time, the information systems department has offered a three credit course in MapInfo (a GIS software package) for the past several years. The interest generated by these classes is increasing, and now the geography and environmental studies program will be offering basic classes in mapping techniques and ArcView (another GIS software package). We want to integrate these courses, across disciplines and colleges, into a coherent program that will allow students to develop unique (and very marketable) skills.
Goals and Objectives:
1) Provide opportunity for students to develop expertise in business geographics to serve a growing field in business and MIS
2) Develop technical and analytic skills in GIS that complement existing business programs
3) Integrate existing interdisciplinary courses into coherent and unique course of study
The minor in business geographics will be interdisciplinary. Students will be required to take a minimum of 7 credits in GIS (including a mapping techniques course), together with a course in database, and a senior level applications course in advanced business geographics. Remaining credits are restricted electives or electives, allowing students to choose their own areas of further concentration.
Course of Study:
See Appendix A
The faculties primarily involved with the proposed minor are in the College of Business (particularly the IS and Marketing areas) and in the College of Liberal Arts (Geography/Environmental Studies). The program relies almost entirely on existing courses in geography, information systems, and marketing. Only one new course is proposed: a capstone class that will be offered at most once a year. It is expected that this course will be taught by Dr. Mary McNally, Ph.D. (economic geography), MBA. Dr. McNally is an Associate Professor in the College of Business, and would be devoting 15% of her efforts toward this minor.
Students for the minor in business geographics will be drawn from current students in the College of Business. This is the first minor the College has ever offered. It will allow students with an interest in IS, GIS, and marketing to integrate their existing coursework. The minor also allows students to develop more depth (for example, with a particular GIS software) and interdisciplinary applications of this technology. Initially we do not expect to draw new students. However, the one credit Business Mapping course will be available on-line within the year, and it may eventually attract some students who wish to pursue this minor.
Admission standards:
Existing requirements for upper division standing in the College of Business.
Profile of Target Population:
The target population consists of students currently enrolled in College of Business programs, particularly those with an interest in new technologies and their application to business and marketing. The minor may also attract several students from other programs as they develop an interest in GIS.
Size of the program:
It is estimated that, if implemented in AY 2000-2001, there will be 20-30 students in the minor within three years.
Critical Mass:
Because this minor is basically made up of existing courses, critical mass is not a major consideration.
Off-campus Offerings:
At present, we anticipate offering one introductory class (one credit) via internet. There is already a web site developed for this class, though it has only been for on campus use to date. The requisite software and data to complete the course assignments will be available on CD within a year. At that time, it will be possible to offer this one class on-line. However, because of the hardware and software necessary for GIS, it is not anticipated that other business geographic courses will be offered off-campus
Facilities Support
Library holdings, with the utilization of inter-library loan, are adequate for this program.
Computer Services
With the recent addition of the GIS lab in the Computer Annex, MSU-Billings has the key software programs available and no additional expenditure is necessary. However, in order to meet ongoing maintenance costs (for color printers, software and data upgrades, etc.) we request that a $5 lab fee be attached to two of the computer-intensive courses (Mkt 301 and Bus 486).
Other than the one course (above) no other courses are expected to be offered via internet specifically for this program. No courses are expected to be offered via telecommunications.
No additional expenditures will be necessary.
Space/Capital Structures
No additional expenditures will be necessary.
Staff/Support Staff
No additional expenditures will be necessary
The minor will be composed of students from diverse backgrounds, as is the case with the student body at MSU-billings.
MSU-Billings is accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. The College of Business is in candidacy status with the International Association for Management Education (AACSB). The AACSB accreditation standards encourage increased interdisciplinary approaches and support the increased use of technology in the curriculum. MSU-B has the qualified faculty to offer the minor, and it will not pose a problem for our accreditation effort.
As a result of three year FIPSE grant, the College of Business has had extensive experience evaluating the introductory course in business geographics. Assessment included pre and post student evaluations and summative evaluation of student work by external reviewers. This process has shaped the market mapping course in particular, and the curriculum in general.
To be accepted into the College of Business (and upper division business classes) students must have completed 60 University credits, and a required business precore program. These same requirements will hold.
The minor in business geographics will focus on developing competencies with desktop GIS and addressing business related problems. There are intermediate skills and outcomes that are assessed, on a class by class basis, as students work through the curriculum. The capstone course in business geographics will require that students apply their analytic and technical skills to a practical business problem through hands-on work with a client organization. The final assessment will thus involve a project and evaluation by a client as well as by peers and faculty.
Direct and indirect costs
Since the minor is drawing largely on existing courses and faculty teaching loads, no additional costs are anticipated at this time.
The minor in business geographics followed the curriculum review process established at MSU-Billings and was approved by the departments involved, the curriculum committee and the Academic Senate. It will continue to be reviewed, on a routine basis, as part of the College of Business= accreditation process.
This program is unique, and there is no other >model= to imitate. The pilot project (the market mapping course) was extensively reviewed, and was well received. Some sample responses are attached as Appendix B. The President of the Association of American Geographers is in the process of compiling information about joint business and geography programs/projects, and this minor will be part of that review process. In addition, through current publications and presentations at professional conferences (especially Marketing and Management Education forums) the program will continue to be extensively reviewed.
Appendix A
Business Geographics Minor
Course of Study
Required Courses
Geog 203 Mapping Techniques 3
Mkt 301* Market Mapping 1
MIS 242 Micro Computer Database 3
Bus 486** Advanced Business Geographics 3
Total required credits 10
Restricted Electives
Geog 301 Principles of GIS/ArcView 3
MIS 472 Bus Geographics IS 3
Total required credits 3
Geog 303 Principles of GIS/ArcView 3
MIS 472 Bus Geographics IS 3
Mkt 492 Advanced Market Mapping 2
Mkt 448 Market Research 3
MIS 365 Data Base Management 3
MIS 424 Information Resource Mgmt 3
Geog, MIS, MKT
490, 491, 492 Independent Study/Internship var 1-3
Total elective credits 7
Total Credits Required for Minor 20
* This will be available on line
** This would be a new course