July 6-7, 2000

ITEM 108-2003-R0700    RETIREMENT of Martin S. Stauber, Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics; Montana State University-Bozeman

THAT:  Upon the occasion of the retirement of Martin S. Stauber from the faculty of Montana State University, the Board of Regents wishes to express its appreciation for his service to the University, the Montana University System, and the people of the State of Montana.

EXPLANATION:  Dr. Stauber was hired as an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics in 1968. Throughout his nearly 30 years at Montana State University, his research contributed to the understanding of the economics of crop production and the economics of cropping decisions in Montana. His research on the economics of cropping decisions remains the basis for the ongoing judicious use of dryland cropland in Montana.

Martin S. (Steve) Stauber excelled in the classroom and was an outstanding teacher of farm management. His courses were based on his knowledge and ability to convey production economics and financial management concepts and techniques and his thorough knowledge of the practical aspects of agriculture to which these concepts and techniques could be applied. He was recognized by students, alumni groups, and academic honoraries numerous times for his proficiency and dedication to undergraduate teaching.

Five times during his career Dr. Stauber received the Montana State University Alumni Association and Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Award for Excellence for the most inspirational influence on an undergraduate student. Likewise, throughout his career Steve was selected by students to the College of Agriculture Faculty Honor Roll five times. He was named the College of Agriculture Instructor of the Year in 1990. He was also selected by the student members of the Alpha Zeta agriculture academic honorary as the outstanding instructor in the College of Agriculture. At the university level he was recognized by the students of the Phi Kappa Phi academic honorary as one of three recipients in 1981 of the Anna Krueger Fridley Outstanding Teacher Award. As an indication of the combined quality of his research and teaching endeavors, one of his graduate students was recognized by the Western Agricultural Economics Association with the Outstanding Masters Thesis Award. In keeping with the practical and useful nature of Dr. Stauber's research, the thesis dealt with an economic evaluation of the fertilization of winter wheat in Montana. As was the pattern throughout his career, Steve incorporated the results of this research into his classroom teaching and his outreach programs.

Dr. Stauber retired from his faculty position on June 30, 1997, then graciously agreed to a post-retirement contract to continue teaching farm management within the Department for several semesters.

For these and other contributions, the Board of Regents of Higher Education is pleased to confer upon Martin S. Stauber the rank of Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University and wishes him well for many pleasant years in the future.