Office Of The Governor
ITEM 112-103-R0901
State Of Montana
Judy H. Martz
State Capitol
P0 Box 200801
Helena, Montana 59620-0801
July 9, 2001
Board of Regents of Higher Education
PO Box 203101
Helena MT 59620
Dear Regents:
Please be informed that effective immediately, I respectfully submit for consideration and approval, the following individuals to the newly created Helena College of Technology of the University of Montana Executive Board, in accordance with Montana Code Annotated 20-25-303:
Mr. Ronald S. Mercer, 111 Alfalfa Rd, Helena MT 59601 is to serve a term ending April 15, 2004, and fulfills the qualifications for being a public member.
Mr. Rick Hays, 504 Dearborn Aye, Helena MT 59601, is to serve a term ending April 15, 2003, and fulfills the qualifications for being a public member.
Ms. C. Lynn Robson, 15 S Raleigh, Helena MT 59601, is to serve a term ending April 15, 2002, and fulfills the qualifications for being a public member.
If you have questions regarding this appointment, please call Susan Ames, Appointments Advisor, at extension 0575.
cc: Rich Gray, Helena College of Tech of the UM, 1115 N Roberts, Helena 59620