ITEM 118-110-R0103 REVISED
January 16-17, 2003
506.1 Student Participation in Mandatory Fee Decisions
Effective January 23, 1997; Issued February 20, 1997
Board policy:
The associated student governments of the Montana University System will be given
opportunity to take part in discussion with the Board of Regents concerning any changes
in tuition or mandatory fees. Before approving or increasing any mandatory fee, the Board of Regents will give the duly constituted student government organization
the opportunity to express student opinion regarding the fee. Such expression will
be based on formal actions of the student senate or a student referendum. For purposes of this policy, mandatory fee means any fee, other than tuition, required
of all full-time students, all full-time resident students, or all full-time non-resident
- Each associated
student presidentstudent government of the Montana University System will be sent notification of proposed changes in the aforementioned feesat the sameand the individual institutions will make a formal presentation to the respective associated student governments prior to the time the Board of Regents is notified of these proposalsand present a formal presentation to the respective associated student governments. - Included in the individual campus request for proposed changes in the aforementioned
fees to the Board of Regents will be copy of the notification to the associated student
government and documentation of the formal presentation. It is the intent of the Board
of Regents to not entertain any proposals regarding any fee changes or initiation
of new fees without the aforementioned notification and documentation of the presentation
documentation. - Except under extenuating circumstances, it is the intent of the Board of Regents to approve changes in the aforementioned fees at a Board meeting held during the normal academic year.
- The Board of Regents, in its deliberations on
mandatoryfee changes or initiation of new fees, will review any information presented to the Board by the associated student governments.
Item 49-002-R0985, Student Participation in Mandatory Fee Decisions; Montana University System; October 25, 1985, as revised January 23, 1997.