ITEM 121-2006-R1103
November 20-21, 2003
ITEM 121-2006-R1103 Authorization to Accept a Bequest of the Talon Ranch; Montana State University-Bozeman
THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University-Bozeman College of Agriculture to accept a proposed bequest from Camron Cooper of the Talon Ranch subject to the terms and conditions of the attached Ranch Use Agreement.
EXPLANATION: Camron Cooper has generously offered to donate her estate upon her death, including the Talon Ranch, to the College of Agriculture of MSU-Bozeman subject to the terms and conditions of the Ranch Use Agreement negotiated between the parties. The Talon Ranch is a 2,211 acre ranch located in Madison County and operated as niche registered Angus cattle ranch. The entire Ranch is subject to a Conservation Easement which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. The proposed terms and conditions of the Ranch Use Agreement are attached hereto.
ATTACHMENTS: Conservation Easement
Ranch Use Agreement