March 25-26, 2004

Board of Regents Policy: Physical Plant B Section 1003.7

This authority request is for an amount greater than $150,000, which requires the following additional information.


(a)  Project description

The work performed under this authority includes the renovation of the existing Men=s and Women's shower areas which are located in the lower level of the Alterowitz Gymnasium. Shower stalls with efficient fixtures and individual drainage areas will be installed in accordance with health code and ADA requirements within the existing gang shower areas. The existing plaster ceilings will be patched and painted. New tile and lighting will be installed. The existing non-functional, maintenance intensive steam rooms will be replaced with saunas.


(b)  Cost Estimate and Funding Sources

Design                         $ 17,500


- Architectural $125,000

- Mechanical $ 20,000

- Plumbing $ 30,000

- Electrical $ 25,000

Contingency $ 30,000

Total                  $247,500

Funding source will be Renewal and Replacement Plant funds.


(c)  Programs Served, Enrollment Data, Projected Enrollments

These showers serve the entire student body, along with faculty and staff as well as the Athletic Program (with the exception of the Basketball teams). The work to be completed under this authority should not directly impact university programs or enrollments.


(d)  Space Utilization Data

The shower area occupies approximately 2,000 square feet in the center of the lower level of the Alterowitz Gymnasium and serves all the athletic facilities including the pool. Space utilization will remain unchanged as the footprint of the shower areas will remain the same.


(e)  Projected use for available residual space

A 360 square foot storage area will become available from within the existing shower areas.


(f)   Projected O&M Costs and proposed funding sources

O&M costs for this project will essentially remain the same. There will be some efficiencies associated with updated plumbing and lighting fixtures.