ITEM 124-101-R0904
September 23-24, 2004
ITEM 124-101-R0904 Approval of a Definition of a Quality Montana University System, and Measures That Will Monitor the System's Success in Meeting Those Expectations.
THAT: The Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the following definition of a quality Montana University System, along with the benchmarks that will be used to monitor the System''s progress in meeting that definition:
BECAUSE the Montana Board of Regents is charged, constitutionally, with the governance and control of the Montana University System; and
BECAUSE the Board of Regents has identified the primary mission of the Montana University System is to serve students through the delivery of high quality programs and services; and
BECAUSE the cornerstone of the Montana University System is the quality of its programs and services; and
BECAUSE Montana students, parents, taxpayers, policymakers and partners are interested in the level of quality they can expect from the Montana University System; and
BECAUSE the Board of Regents recognizes the close relationship between a well-educated citizenry and a high quality of life,
The Montana Board of Regents adopts the following definition as a statement of quality for the Montana University System:
A Quality Montana University System
prepares its students for successful lives as productive and engaged citizens;
values excellent teaching, innovative scholarship and high standards of academic achievement;
uses its fiscal resources in a responsible manner;
is accessible and affordable;
contributes to the diversity, economic development and unique lifestyle of Montana.
The Montana University System will monitor its success in meeting these expectations by using the following measures:
1) --number of graduates
--percentage of graduates employed or continuing their education
--employer satisfaction with graduates
--average GPA and ACT score of entering students
2) --student scholarship, using numbers of students who participate in research and activities similar to the ones listed under faculty scholarship
--faculty scholarship, using numbers of articles, books, creative endeavors, competitive research grants, presentations, etc.
--student honors, including national awards, licensure pass rates, etc.
3) --expenditures per FTE student
--student/faculty ratio
--number of courses and SCH per faculty member
4) --tuition as percentage of median family income
--percentage of students who receive financial aid/scholarships, and average amount
--partnerships and outreach (a narrative from each campus)
--number of students admitted, by residency and ethnicity
--number of patents and technology transfer agreements.
EXPLANATION: The Montana Board of Regents approved an action item, at its September 2003 meeting, authorizing the creation of a committee to develop:
--a definition of a quality Montana University System; and
--measurable benchmarks that are valued by students and citizens.