September 21–23, 2005

ITEM 128-102-R0905  Community College Districts; Organization; Revisions

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the following change to Policy 209.2:

(a)           designates the Director of Workforce Development and Two-Year Education, in the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, as the coordinator of community colleges in the State of Montana.

EXPLANATION: Policy 209.2 currently designates the Deputy Commissioner for Academic and Student Affairs as the coordinator of community colleges in Montana. Because of staff changes in the Commissioner's office, and the reassignment of responsibilities that accompanied those staff changes, the Director of Workforce Development and Two-Year Education is the position that works most closely with community colleges in the State. Therefore, that position should also serve as the coordinator and liaison between the Montana Board of Regents, the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education and the three community colleges in Montana. The revised policy accompanies this Item and explanation.