November 16-18, 2005

ITEM 129-2701-R1105  Authorization to Confer The Title of Professor Emeritus of Spanish upon Professor Theodore Jensen; Montana State University - Billings

THAT: WHERAS, Professor Jensen has completed a distinguished teaching career of 32 years, including 32 years at MSU-Billings, formerly Eastern Montana College;

WHERAS, Professor Jensen has served his profession of Professor of Spanish in a variety of leadership roles at the national, state, and local levels as well as being a decorated war veteran;

WHERAS, he served the college and his colleagues as a valuable representative of the university to the Latino community and served on a number of college committees;

WHEREAS he has devoted himself to the individual and conscientious instruction of a large number of students;

WHERAS he has enriched the body of knowledge in his profession by important publications;

AND WHEREAS, MSU-Billings wishes to honor Professor Jensen for his outstanding service to education;

AND WHEREAS, Montana State University-Billings wishes to honor Professor Norton H. Moses for his outstanding service to education and to his discipline;

THEREFORE, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, on the recommendation of the Chancellor of Montana State University-Billings, confers upon Dr. Norton H. Moses the title of Professor of History Emeritus, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities pertaining thereto.