July 6-7, 2000

NOTICE OF INTENT Approval of Proposal to Offer the Associate of Applied Science in School Business Administration; Montana State University - Northern

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University - Northern to award the Associate of Applied Science in School Business Administration to any student who completes the two-year curriculum required for the degree.

EXPLANATION: Beginning in December of 1997, MSU-Northern was approached by members of the Montana Association of School Business Officials requesting the possibility of a certification program that would use MSU-Northern's NorthNet telecommunications system. The purpose of the program would be to acquaint personnel with a basic body of knowledge to help support their school administrators. Many personnel in current positions had no formal training and learned their job requirements while on the job. The discussions concerning the necessary body of knowledge revealed that more than a simple one year certification was needed and the associate degree curriculum was developed. The degree is a combination of standard beginning business courses and some specialized courses that pertain more to school business. It has been suggested that some of the seminar courses developed for this program would also be applicable in the training of new members of local school boards. The immediate target market for this program is the four hundred ninety nine (499) members of the MASBO organization. The program was designed to use the MSU-Northern courses that are currently offered in the NorthNet system and develop the additional courses as summer offerings.