Board of Regents Meeting
May 29-30, 2003
Great Falls, Montana

Montana State University - Bozeman

  • Montana State University-Bozeman conferred diplomas on approximately 2,343 candidates for graduation at the university's 107th commencement ceremonies held May 10 in Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. Degree candidates included 2002 summer and winter graduates and 2003 spring graduates. Following this years commencement, MSU-Bozeman has awarded 85,658degrees since the institution's founding in 1893.
  • ASMSU supported a one-time contribution of $3500 to sponsor the American Indian Club Pow Wow held April 18th and 19th ASMSU felt that this event would be an excellent way to promote diversity awareness on the campus, which is an issue for minority recruitment and retention. The event positively affected a large population of MSU students and had several hundred people in attendance.
  • On March 26th and 27th the ASMSU election was held. Voting turnout was the highest ever at MSU with 1337 students voting, which is approximately a voting turnout of 14%. The improved voter turnout could be partially due to the newly implemented on-line voting capabilities which allowed students to vote from anywhere they could find internet access.
  • ASMSU supported a permanent increase in the Information Technology Fee from $25 to $35 per semester starting in fiscal year 2007. The revenue from this fee will be dedicated to funding a sizeable portion of the replacement, renewal, and enhancement of the University's shared, multi-campus central computing systems and service infrastructure, as well as the campus's central computing systems and networking services infrastructure.
  • In a special session held Wednesday, April 30th, ASMSU voted in support of a 12.25 percent tuition increase for both fiscal year 2004 and 2005. ASMSU felt that this decision was the best decision ultimately for students. This seemed to be the most equitable way to distribute the necessary funds that needed to be taken care of for all students. The alternative of not increasing tuition presented a very grim future for MSU, where the quality of the education at Montana State, which previously had been an area that was the pride of MSU, would be substantially damaged. ASMSU could not allow that to happen.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott McCarthy
ASMSU President
Montana State University - Bozeman


UM-Helena COT is very excited about the up-coming year. Our executive branch of student senate is in place as well as the Montana Campus Compact leaders. After a great year of building student involvement at our campus, we are poised to increase student voice to a higher level. Student Senate President Keith Goble, vice president Steve Hanson, MTCC leaders Biannica Knudson and Linda Dowell are working with UM-Helena administration on search committees for various positions at our institution. We will all address incoming students at orientations in July and August to plant the seed of involvement and define what civic engagement is. We have layed the foundation of student involvement by partnering with government, community service organizations, UM-Helena staff, faculty, and administration. We were honored to be one of seven college's nation wide that received a grant to map civic engagement at our campus. This included volunteerism, service learning and overall involvement by students, staff, and faculty. We created a student leader handbook with contacts on campus, in the community, media, and government. We believe this will help leaders better serve and organize engagement. Plans for expansion of service learning programs are being dialoged and leadership by example are the mean by which we believe we can increase student voice at UM-Helena. We are excited and look forward to the challenge.

Keith Goble
UM-Helena Student Senate President

ASMSU Great Falls College of Technology

  • The senators of MSU GF COT would like to thank the regents for a good year and welcome their new officers who where elected during a late April meeting. Paul Krogue, Vice President, Elizabeth Rolle, Secretary, Shane Koiwyck, Treasurer, and Sara Anderson President.
  • The ASMSUGF COT had a busy spring with the annual Faculty and Staff appreciation spring picnic, where the students recognize the people who make their education possible by cooking them a BBQ lunch.
  • In the first weeks of April the senate also held their spring blood drive in Heritage Hall and came out at goal with 37 units of blood.
  • The senate also voted on an updated version of our constitution.
  • The senate is on break for the summer and will resume again in September with their first meeting.

Sara Anderson

Associated Students MSU-Northern

  • Library fee -- Students at Northern have seen the need for an additional revenue stream to enhance the academic resources at the library on Campus. This was fully endorsed by a unanimous vote in Student Senate and put to a vote of the student body. Northern had over a 20% voter turnout and of that 72% voted in favor of the $10.00 per student per semester fee. The library fee was totally a student driven initiative.
  • At Havre Nursing students request -- Last year a group of Nursing students approached Student Senate seeking some assistance to address fairness and equality issues in the College of Nursing with regard to the three nursing sites in Great Falls, Lewistown, and Havre. After bringing this issue to the attention of the Nursing program there was an internal policy put into effect in November 2002 stating that reviews would be made available at all sites. During the final in one of the nursing classes this past semester, the Havre students did not receive a comparable review as the Great Falls & Lewistown students (a full day review with the opportunity to ask questions). Nursing students once again contacted a Student Senate representative for assistance with the same issue. Presently there are 23 total students in the class: 16 in Havre, 6 in Lewistown, and 5 in Great Falls. 50% of the (8 in l6) students enrolled in Havre have failed the Havre class compared to 17% (1 in 6)fail rate in Lewistown and 20% (1 in 5) in Great Falls. Again the students have requested assistance, currently filing grade appeals, reapplying to the Nursing program, and informing healthcare facilities that hired them to start working under temporary licenses they have another year of classes before they can start work. In addition, the grade appeal process for nursing students is different than that other students must follow. The grade appeal for nursing students is only heard by the nursing instructor, the Dean of the College of Nursing, and the nursing faculty. No person outside the Nursing program has oversight of the grade appeal for nursing students.
  • Dean nomination process/stipend -- There is some student concern over the selection process and stipends with regard to the Deans. This concern arose after Student Senate met with some resistance over broadening the student grievance process. Presently the Deans are nominated by an individual college faculty election and forwarded on to the Chancellor. Once appointed by the Chancellor, the Deans receive a stipend of $15,000. Student concern is two-fold:
    • No student input
    • This process sets up the student perception that the Deans would favor his/her peers who elect them for the nomination over student concerns/complaints.
  • Student Senate hopes to continue next year in working with the Deans to broaden the student grievance process as well as working with the Northern administration to make the Dean selection process more favorable to students, faculty, the Deans, & Northern administration.
  • Additional Fees -- Student Senate and student representatives have met with Vice Chancellor Jensen more than five times over the past two months discussing the proposed Computer/Banner/IT fees and the Academic Facilities Fee. Northern has student support with regard to these proposed fees due to the fact that the students will see direct improvements and enhancements starting this summer and have equal input on the expenditures of these student generated funds.
  • Flagpole -- After two years the student initiated school flag is finally permanently flying on the Northern Campus. Dignitaries attending included Chairman Roehm.

Respectfully submitted by:

Daniel T. Geelan
ASMSUN 2002-2003

Montana State University-Billings

Chairman Roehm, members of the Board of Regents and Commissioner Krause, my name is Ray Champ. I am representing the Associated Students of Montana State University-Billings, as well as representing the Crow Tribe being the first enrolled member to hold the position of student body President at MSU-Billings.

I would like to highlight several items for you in my report:

  • We just graduated more than 800 students during our 76th Commencement and one day prior to Commencement, each of our five colleges held convocations that were well attended by students, and their families. I would like to say that we heard many personal stories of our graduates moving on to wonderful careers for which they have been well-prepared. Others are going on to graduate schools to continue their education. I would like to thank Regent Taylor for attending our Commencement and representing the Board of Regents at this important student event.
  • Two weeks ago, the Foundation of MSU-Billings held its annual Wine and Food Festival, the proceeds from which directly benefit students. We believe this year's event may well have set a fund raising record for the Festival. I can tell you that the dollars raised for scholarships during just one segment of the Festival totaled over $100,000.
  • Montana State University-Billings, in partnership with our Congressional delegation and the Governor's Office hosted the Montana Economic Summit. It was very well attended by people from all over Montana. Many or our students at MSU-Billings helped with the event.
  • Student government hosted an Easter egg hunt on campus for the children of Billings. Hundreds of youngsters and their parents attended which also featured a special area fro children with disabilities-the only Easter egg hunt in Billings accommodating youngsters who have special needs.
  • I, along with other student government representatives from ASMSU-Billings, have been meeting on a regular basis with the University's administration providing input from a student perspective on a number of issues. We appreciate the open and honest exchange of ideas and thoughts and the willingness for the administration to listen to the student voice.
  • We in student government are also putting into motion our plans for the coming academic year and are excited about both the challenges and opportunities of representing the students on campus. I will be sharing more of those details with you in the coming months.

Ray Champ