-----Original Message-----

From: Bill Knowles [mailto:bill.knowles@umontana.edu]

Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 11:47 AM

To: Schramm, LeRoy

Subject: military science




I think the regents need to know that the Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair and the ASCRC Chair and Vice Chair have met twice with Lt. Col. Ierardi, chair of Military Science, to give her and her staff specific guidance on how to prepare a minor application that should get through ASCRC. So far, ASCRC hasn't seen it, and that committee's work for AY 03-04 is essentially done. The revised application is reportedly on the colonel's desk, awaiting her approval before it's transmitted to ASCRC. She's out of town on temporary duty.


I met with George on a number of matters yesterday, including this one, and he knows the great ends to which faculty governance officers here have gone to assist the Military Science department.


I think it would be appropriate if that information is be communicated to the regents somehow prior to you, either as an addendum to your memo or in a form which you advise we should follow.


Best regards,





William L. (Bill) Knowles, Professor

Department of Radio-Television, School of Journalism

Chair, Faculty Senate, AY 2003-04

The University of Montana

Office: 730 Eddy Ave., Mail: 32 Campus Drive #6480

Missoula, MT 59812-6480


Office: (406) 243-4747

Fax: (406) 243-4650

Email: bill.knowles@umontana.edu