Proposed Revisions to 308.1 - Faculty Exchange Agreements
Board policy:
1. The presidents and chancellors of the units campuses of
Montana University System are authorized to enter into faculty exchange
agreements with other institutions of higher education.
1. The agreement must be approved by the
Commissioner of Higher Education;
2. the exchanged faculty members shall remain
in the employ of their respective institutions;
3. all rights, benefits and privileges of
employment of the exchanged faculty member shall be retained during the period
that such faculty member is away from the home campus in exchange status;
4. the salary of the exchanged faculty member
shall continue to be paid by the institution authorizing the exchange; and
5. arrangements for reimbursement to the
affected faculty members for travel and transportation expense shall be agreed
upon between the two exchanging institutions and approved by the president or
chancellor of the Montana institution before such exchange shall
be authorized.
Item 11-003-R0276, Policy Regarding Faculty Exchange Agreements, Montana University System, February 6, 1976.