Proposed Revision to 504.1 - Resident Student Financial Assistance Program
Board policy:
1. The
Commissioner of Higher Education is directed to carry out the provisions of 2-15-1517
M.C.A. concerning the resident student financial assistance program.
1. An advisory council for the resident
student financial assistance program is hereby created to consist of:
a. 3 practicing financial aid officers
b. 1 chief administrator of a
postsecondary educational institution
c. 1 chief fiscal officer of a
postsecondary educational institution
d. 1 student enrolled full-time at a
postsecondary educational institution.
may be only one member from any given postsecondary institution.
2. The members of the advisory council
shall be appointed for one-year terms. When a vacancy occurs, the Board shall appoint a person to the unexpired
3. The Commissioner of Higher Education
shall nominate persons for consideration by the Board of Regents and shall, to
the extent possible, insure representation from all sectors of the postsecondary
educational institutions including licensed proprietary institutions.
4. The Advisory Council shall meet upon
the call of the Commissioner of Higher Education or designated representative.
5. The Commissioner may delegate
responsibility for day-to-day program operations to a member of his
staff and shall provide necessary guidelines for the advisory committee.
6. The Commissioner shall seek the advice
of appropriate faculty scholarship committees.
Item 19-003-R0178, Resident Student Financial Assistance Program, January 16, 1978.