Proposed Revision to 801.14.1 - Vacation Leave; Academic-ranked Faculty

Board policy:

            1.         The president or chancellor of each unitcampus of the Montana University System or the Commissioner of Higher Education, as appropriate, is authorized to grant vacation leave to staff members with academic rank on Board of Regents' contracts in accordance with the following procedures.


           1.         The Commissioner of Higher Education shall determine which positions shall be entitled to receive Board of Regents contracts.

           2.         Faculty members with academic rank who are appointed on  academic year contracts shall accrue no vacation leave.

           3.         Faculty members who are appointed for teaching, research and/or public service for summer sessions shall accrue no vacation leave.

           4.         Staff members who hold academic rank and are appointed on fiscal year contracts may accumulate vacation leave at the rate of 1-3/4 days per month (21 days per year) of actual employment.

           5.         Annual vacation leave may be accumulated as of the last day of any calendar year to a total not to exceed 42 days.

           6.         Unused vacation leave may be compensated upon termination.

           7.         If a staff member's status is changed from a fiscal-year contract to an academic-year contract, that staff member may elect to receive compensation for unused accrued vacation leave at the time of the change of status and/or to carry the accumulation.


            1.         Academic-year shall mean a period of nine months during the ten months generally between September 1 and June 30.



                Item 11-002-R1275, Vacation Leave for Staff Members on Board of Regents Contract (Amended), February 6, 1976 and May 31, 1978, as revised July 6, 1995.
