801-3 - Proposed Revision
Proposed Revision to 801.3 - Leaves; Leave Without Pay
Board policy:
1. Faculty, administrators and professional supervisory personnel are eligible for a leave of absence without pay after two years of continuous service in accordance with the following procedures.
1. Such leave shall not be deemed earned leave time, nor become a vested right or interest, nor be, nor become, an implied provision of any contract. The Board of Regents retains the right to amend, alter, rescind or abolish this leave policy at any time.
2. Each president shall submit by September 1 an annual summary of leaves
without pay to the Commissioner of Higher Education for the prior fiscal year.
32. Leaves without pay shall normally not exceed two years duration.
43. Satisfactory programs or projects shall include research, education, travel
or related work in other institutions, or private or business organizations, or other
activities which the president or chancellor of the university unit, or, if applicable, the Commissioner of Higher Education, agrees will improve the
staff member professionally or will directly or indirectly benefit the institutioncampus or the state.
54. Requests for leave without pay shall be made to the unitcampus administrator of the unit campus at which an applicant is employed, or when appropriate to the Commissioner of Higher Education.
65. Requests for leaves without pay for presidents must be recommended by the
Commissioner of Higher Education.
76. All leave requests shall be submitted to the Board of Regents through the
Commissioner of Higher Education for approval.
8. Campus procedures for implementing this policy shall be developed by the
unit, shall generally be consistent throughout the Montana University System, and
shall be filed with the Commissioner of Higher Education.
97. Employees who are on an approved leave of absence without pay may continue
to be covered by the employer's group insurance for up to two years provided they
pay the amount of the employer's contribution plus any required employee contribution.
Payment must be made to the business office prior to the close of the payroll date
in order for the coverage to be effective.
1. "Unit" means a campus of the Montana University System or the
office of the Commissioner of Higher Education.
Item 204-001, November 27, 1967 as amended October 29, 1976. The portion of Item 204-001 relating to leaves without pay is rescinded; Item 20-002-R0478, Leave without pay; Montana University System (Revised), May 31, 1978 as amended March 22, 1993.