Proposed Revisions to 940.28 - Athletic Fees
Board Policy:
The units campuses of the Montana University System may assess students an athletic
fee dedicated to the support of intercollegiate athletic activities only under
the following conditions.
A. The campus administration requests the
Regents to approve a fee and indicates the amount of the proposed fee; and
B. The results of a recent campus
referendum or vote of the student governing body of the proposed fee are made
known to the Board; and
C. The Regents authorize the fee.
State University and the University of Montana may assess students taking 7 or
more credits an athletic fee of $30.00 per semester dedicated to the support of
intercollegiate athletic activities. Payment of this fee shall allow the student to be admitted to campus
athletic events to the extent deemed practical by the campus administration.
Item 79-003-R0693,
Athletic Fee Policy (NEW), approved by the Board of Regents June 7, 1993.