Non-Traditional Careers
Non-Traditional Career Fields: defined the 2019 Perkins V statute, are occupations or fields of work for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work.
Why would I choose a non-traditional career?
- Careers should be chosen based on interests and abilities, not baseless stereotypes.
- Women can earn up to 30% more in nontraditional fields.
- Non-traditional fields may be better suited to your unique life goals.
- Non-traditional students can learn new ways of thinking and working with others and become change makers by offering new perspectives in a field.
What are non-traditional careers?*
*This is not an exclusive list and some specific career paths within a broader workforce category may not be considered nontraditional. For example, though much of STEM is considered nontraditional for women, environmental scientist is not. Likewise, though much of health sciences is considered nontraditional for men, physical therapists and radiologic technicians are not. For a more extensive list of nontraditional fields and associated occupations, please refer to PCRN's 2020 Nontraditonal Crosswalk.
Contact Us:
For questions and additional information regarding nontraditional CTE programs, please contact:
Ciera Franks-Ongoy
Student Success and Perkins Compliance Manager
Montana University System
Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
560 N Park Ave
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 449-9132