
Past Board Members


Regent Todd Buchanan

Todd Buchanan (Chair)

Term expires:  January 31, 2028
Contact Regent Buchanan


Todd Buchanan is a Co-Owner and Advisor for Buchanan Capital, based in Billings, MT. Buchanan Capital Inc. serves individual and institutional clients, helping share and support asset management and financial planning strategies and plans with their clients across the region. After graduation from MSU Bozeman Todd served in the US Peace Corps, serving as a Small Business Development Volunteer in Nicaragua.

Todd and his family have had many opportunities to serve their communities and stay committed to numerous local, regional and statewide efforts and organizations. Past experience includes serving as a director on the Nature Conservancy Board for Montana, Chairman of Montana Conservation Corps, Chairman of Billings based corrections organization Alternatives Inc.  and Todd currently spends a lot of time advocating for greater stewardship of the outdoor, cultural and natural assets of this great state.

Todd previously served a seven-year term on the Board of Regents from 2007-2014 and held a variety of leadership roles (Vice Chairman of the Board, Chairman of Academic and Student Affairs Committee, Chairman of the Budget Committee and Chairman of The Taskforce on Reform).

Raised in Billings, MT, Todd and his wife Brooke met while attending Montana State University in Bozeman and have been married since 2003. They live in Red Lodge, MT, where they stay busy raising, loving and keeping up with their two active teenagers in the foothills of the Beartooth Mountains.

Regent Loren Bough

Loren Bough (Vice Chair)

Term Expires:  January 31, 2027
Contact Regent Bough


Loren Bough is an active community member and philanthropist residing in Big Sky. He has served his community in a number of capacities including successful efforts to create a public high school, a performing arts center and a local hospital.

As a graduate of one of the smallest public schools in the state, Highwood High School, Loren benefitted from and remains committed to affordable public educational opportunities for all Montana students.

He remains an active angel investor and board member, globally, in real estate, technology and the consumer sector. Mr. Bough serves on multiple boards and advisory committees of select portfolio companies.

Mr. Bough serves on the board for Harvard University/Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and Chairman of the Property and Environment Research Center, Warren Miller Performing Art Center and Big Sky.

Regent Joyce Dombrouski

Joyce Dombrouski

Term Expires February 1, 2026
Contact Regent Dombrouski


Joyce Dombrouski has been with Providence St. Patrick Hospital since April 1995. She joined the team early in her career and had responsibilities for critical care, emergency services and quality. She joined the executive team in 1999 as the Vice President of Marketing and Communications. In 2001, Joyce accepted the leadership position of Vice President of Nursing, later earning the regional role of CNO. In 2011, Joyce was named Chief Acute Services Officer and in 2016, Joyce became the Chief Operating Officer for the Western Montana Service Area of Providence Health & Services. Her current position is the Chief Executive for the Montana Service Area, which includes St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula; Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Polson; and Providence Medical Group, overseeing approximately 2,500 employees and providers.

Joyce holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Montana State University in Bozeman and a Masters in Healthcare Administration from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Joyce earned her Certificate of Public Health through the University of Montana. Most recently, Joyce completed The Healthcare Academy Fellows Program. Joyce was instrumental in leading St. Pat's to earn its first Magnet Accreditation for Nursing Excellence in 2013. She was named Distinguished Nursing Alumni for MSU in 2014. Joyce serves as an adjunct faculty member for Washington State University.

Joyce’s current board appointments include the Family Medical Residency of Western Montana, Montana Graduate Medical Education Council; Montana Hospital Association; Montana Economic Partnership and Providence Montana Health Foundation. Her past board memberships include the Montana Board of Nursing, the National Catholic Health Association and Partnership Health Center.

Joyce is a native Montanan and lives with her husband in Missoula. She is very proud of both of her daughters who are pursuing careers in health care.

Regent Jeff Southworth

Jeff Southworth

Term Expires January 31, 2029
Contact Regent Southworth


Jeff Southworth is the Co-Owner and President of Allied Steel, a structural steel fabrication company located in Lewistown. From its base in central Montana, Allied Steel services clients and projects across the western United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Jeff is also a custom builder and entrepreneur and co-owns the Central Feed Grilling Co. and Calvert Hotel, also located in Lewistown.  

Jeff has been active in the Lewistown community for many years and has served as a member of the local chamber of commerce. He is also an active member of the Big Sky Young Presidents’ Organization and is an elected member of the Lewistown Public Schools Board of Trustees. 

Jeff graduated from Fergus High School and is passionate about his family, community, and state. Jeff and his wife Brook met in 1997 while attending Montana State University in Bozeman. They have four children. Three of their children attend Montana State University and one is a senior at Fergus High School. Jeff enjoys spending time outside and can be found skiing and hunting across Montana.

Regent Dean Folkvord

Dean Folkvord

Term Expires February 1, 2031
Contact Regent Folkvord


Dean Folkvord and his family founded Wheat Montana Farms and Bakery in 1990. The company grew from a two-person farming operation near Three Forks to a thriving agribusiness organization selling high-quality grains, flour, and bread nationwide. Dean and his family now own several hotel and motel properties in Montana, including the Sacajawea Hotel in Three Forks and the newly renovated RSVP Motel in Bozeman. 

Dean holds a B.S. in Agribusiness from Montana State University-Bozeman, has attended the Western College of Auctioneering, and completed Dale Carnegie coursework. He serves on the Montana Agriculture Development Council, a position appointed by the Governor. Dean has also held leadership positions with the Federal Reserve Bank Board, the Federal Reserve Bank Advisory Council, and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Board of Directors.

Through his work experience and business activities, Dean has cultivated extensive expertise with start-ups. He is also highly skilled in inventing, patenting, and trademarking products, as well as purchasing, developing, and navigating real estate deals. 

When he is not engaged in his many business pursuits, Dean enjoys singing and songwriting, golf, travel, and fitness. Dean and his wife, Hope, are committed to family and business with a purpose, and include both of their daughters in the management of nine companies.

Regent Hoyer

Heather Hoyer

Term Expires February 1, 2032
Contact Regent Hoyer

Regent Hoyer comes from an extensive background in education, now in her 31st year of experience as a professional educator and Superintendent of Schools for Great Falls Public Schools. Heather grew up in Trego, Montana, and graduated from Lincoln County High School in Eureka. She earned her degree in Secondary Science Education from then-Western Montana College in 1994 and later her M. EdLD and a Superintendent Endorsement from the University of Montana. Regent Hoyer has served on the University of Providence Board of Directors, the University of Montana Pre-Medical Sciences Advocacy Committee, and the Montana State University-Northern Education Advisory Council. Regent Hoyer and her husband, Keith, have two adult daughters who are public school teachers in Montana. She and her family are avid sports fans and enjoy time together exploring Montana’s outdoors.

Regent Mortenson

Raina Mortenson

Term Expires June 30, 2025
Contact Student Regent Mortenson


Raina Mortenson was born and raised in the small northern town of Malta, Montana, where she developed a profound appreciation for rural life and agriculture. Growing up on her family's farm north of Dodson, Montana, Raina gained firsthand experience in the daily rhythms of farming and the importance of hard work and dedication.

Currently, Raina is pursuing her academic endeavors at the University of Montana Western, where she is enrolled in the Kinesiology program. Her passion for understanding human movement and optimizing physical health and performance has driven her academic pursuits. With a keen interest in biomechanics and strength and conditioning, Raina is currently finishing her Capstone project that will allow other students to have a study mechanism to help aid in passing the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist test.

Outside of her studies, Raina first served as a senator for the UM Western student senate. After being so intrigued with improving campus life and bringing the campus together, she was elected as the student body president for the University of Montana Western and served for the 2023-2024 academic year. Raina has also been involved in being a Bulldog Ambassador, working with the admissions team and leading campus tours. She also assisted the director of student success, as being one of the first ACES (assistant coaches in excellence and success) on campus, where she helps mentor new freshman with the transition to college. Raina extends her involvement into the HIP (humans in performance) club and is an active participant in the Student Leadership Academy on campus. Raina has successfully accomplished many student engagement initiatives during her time at Western, all while working at a local coffee shop every morning before attending class. 

In her spare time, Raina enjoys exploring Montana's breathtaking landscapes through hiking and camping trips. She also shares her enthusiasm for health and wellness by being an active mentor of the PATH Program (Peers Advocating Towards Health) where she advocates for improving the overall health and wellness of the campus community.

As she continues her academic journey, Raina looks forward to leveraging her education and experiences to make a positive impact in the field of kinesiology with the hopes of being accepted into a graduate program and obtain her masters degree in Athletic Training.

Ex Officio Members:

Clayton Christian
Commissioner of Higher Education
560 N. Park Ave
Helena, MT 59620-3201
Contact Commissioner Christian

Governor Greg Gianforte

Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 200801
Helena, MT 59620-0801
Contact the Governor

Susie Hedalen

Superintendent of Public Instruction
P.O. Box 202501
Helena, MT 59620-2501
Contact Superintendent Hedalen