Goal Statement

Increase postsecondary enrollment of traditional and non-traditional students through expanded outreach programs, evening/weekend programs, and 2-year programs

Goal 1:  Access & Affordability

System Initiatives: 2-year Education/CTE

Goal Statement

Expand efforts to communicate and effectively deliver career and technical education (CTE) as an option for students to pursue in the MUS.

Action Steps

(Shared Policy Goal)

  1. Develop a College and Career Readiness (CCR) Portal that equally promotes CTE and non- CTE opportunities.
  2. Work with k-12 partners and MUS campuses to more effectively promote CTE opportunities through school counseling and advising strategies.
  3. Continuously review the effectiveness of existing CTE programs and conduct gap analyses to guide the development of new CTE opportunities that more effectively meet workforce demand.
  4. Explore avenues for developing a system-level approach for the recruitment of students interested in CTE.


Target = grow CTE enrollment system-wide by 10%

Objective 1.5.1

Increase enrollment at 2-year programs.

Metric 1.5.1

Objective 1.5.2

Increase programs and classes for non-traditional students, including evening and weekend programs

Metric 1.5.2