Two-Year Education - MUS Strategic Plan
Goal Statement
Increase postsecondary enrollment of traditional and non-traditional students through expanded outreach programs, evening/weekend programs, and 2-year programs
Goal 1: Access & Affordability
System Initiatives: 2-year Education/CTE
Goal Statement
Expand efforts to communicate and effectively deliver career and technical education (CTE) as an option for students to pursue in the MUS.
Action Steps
(Shared Policy Goal)
- Develop a College and Career Readiness (CCR) Portal that equally promotes CTE and non- CTE opportunities.
- Work with k-12 partners and MUS campuses to more effectively promote CTE opportunities through school counseling and advising strategies.
- Continuously review the effectiveness of existing CTE programs and conduct gap analyses to guide the development of new CTE opportunities that more effectively meet workforce demand.
- Explore avenues for developing a system-level approach for the recruitment of students interested in CTE.
Target = grow CTE enrollment system-wide by 10%
Objective 1.5.1
Increase enrollment at 2-year programs.
Metric 1.5.1
Objective 1.5.2
Increase programs and classes for non-traditional students, including evening and weekend programs
Metric 1.5.2