
Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Montana University System Staff Association (MUSSA). 

Article II – Core Principles

Section 1 – Mission

The Montana University System Staff Association (MUSSA) is a professional association that represents the interest of MUS staff through partnerships with the Board of Regents (BOR), Office of Commissioner of Higher Education (OCHE), individual campus administrations and other representative groups across the Montana University System (MUS) community. MUSSA serves as a valuable partner of the MUS by enhancing their efforts in staff inclusion, development, and retention in order to maximize individual and organization potential. 

Section 2 – Vision

MUSSA exists to promote and strengthen communication between the BOR, provide a channel for the communication of accomplishments, interests, feedback, and issues that impact all staff; gather a broad base of input in the strategic initiatives of the MUS, universities, and colleges. With our partners, we cultivate a safe, respectful, and progressive work environment where staff are empowered to grow and develop. 

Section 3 – Values

Service Excellence
We believe excellence is achieved through collaboration, innovation, and open communication. 

We model integrity by upholding the highest standards and principles that guide our association-demonstrating professionalism, ethical conduct, and accountability. 

We empower staff to take an active role in influencing institutional matters. We encourage and promote ideas that lead to the advancement of staff, institutions, or the MUS. 

We value, support, and celebrate our unique differences and strive to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace that is open to new ideas, transparent, and collaborative in decision making. 

Section 4 – Goals

  • Serve as an advisory council for all staff by incorporating a broad and diverse group of individuals as representatives;
  • Strengthen communication among and between various staff, BOR, and OCHE.
  • Ensure discussion, decision-making, and communication move forward in a timely manner to a final resolution;
  • Promote the participation of all staff in initiatives and decisions through the incorporation of staff members from within the MUS to serve on MUSSA committees and task forces, as appropriate;
  • Provide input and ideas in MUSSA strategic initiatives and goals;
  • Support, sponsor, and promote staff recognition efforts;
  • Assist with diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across the MUS community;
  • Provide opportunities for all staff within the MUS to engage in professional development.

Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility

Two representatives from each of the universities and colleges of the MUS shall be eligible for voting membership. 

Section 2 – Voting Membership

Two representatives, determined by each campus, shall have voting privileges. 

Section 3 – Other Non-voting Membership

Honorary, ex-officio, or other members may be appointed or designated by a majority of the voting membership identified in Article III, Section 2. These members shall be non-voting. 

Article IV – Officers

Section 1 – Officers

The officers of the organization shall be a chair and a vice chair elected from a quorum of the voting membership and shall be from different campuses. 

Section 2 – Elections

Elections of officers shall be held annually by August 15th. 

Section 3 – Terms of Office

Officers will assume their one-year term immediately following elections. 

Section 4 – Duties of the Chair

  • Preside over all meetings
  • Call all special meetings
  • Serve as the representative of MUSSA to the BOR and OCHE
  • Attend, or designate an alternate MUSSA representative to attend BOR meetings. 

Section 5 – Duties of Vice-Chair

  • Assume the duties of the chair in the chair’s absence
  • Assist the chair in administering the business of MUSSA

Section 6 – Vacancies

If the position of chair becomes vacant, the vice chair will immediately assume the position of chair. In the event the position of vice chair becomes vacant, a replacement will be elected by the voting membership as soon as possible. 

Section 7 – Impeachment and Removal

Officers of MUSSA may be removed for failure to perform their responsibilities by an affirmative vote for removal by a 2/3 majority of the voting membership. Such a vote may be called by any voting member. 

Article V – Conduct of Business

Section 1 – Quorum

A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting membership and must include at least one officer. 

Section 2 – Conduct of Business

Business may be conducted whenever a quorum is assembled whether in person, electronically, or a combination thereof. Actions and motions of the body are deemed to be approved by a simple majority vote of the body, except as otherwise stipulated in these bylaws. 

Section 3 – Meetings

MUSSA meetings of the voting membership will be held monthly via electronic, in-person, or combination thereof. Meetings with the BOR will be by invitation from the BOR and all MUSSA voting members will be invited to attend. MUSSA may request a special meeting with the BOR and will include the proposed agenda for the special meeting. Meetings will be open to the public. 

Section 4 – Voting

Votes may be taken by written ballot, voice vote, electronically, or email. The measure being voted upon will be deemed as having passed if affirmed by a majority of those voting, unless otherwise stipulated in these bylaws. 

Section 5 – Committees

There are no standing committees. Ad hoc committees can be impaneled by the chair and/or the vice chair or by the vote of a majority of the membership. 

Article VI – Amendment of Bylaws

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any voting member. A 2/3 majority of the voting membership shall be necessary to approve amendments to these bylaws. 

We, the staff association representatives of the Montana University System, in order to improve the organization and define the duties, authority, and the responsibilities of MUSSA, adopt these Articles of the Montana University System Staff Association (MUSSA) on February 22, 2024.