November 21-22, 2024

Committee Members: Regent Loren Bough, Chair; Regent Dean Folkvord; and Student Regent Raina Mortenson


Staff Items:

  1. Request for Authorization to Exclude Certain Officers/Directors from Personnel Security Clearance; MUS/OCHE ITEM 215-102-R1124 | Attachment #1

Emeriti Faculty:

  1. Arnold; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2010-R1124
  2. Inskeep; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2011-R1124
  3. Maxwell; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2012-R1124
  4. O'Neill; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2013-R1124
  5. Brown; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2014-R1124
  6. Haynes; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2015-R1124
  7. Held; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2016-R1124
  8. Lavin; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2017-R1124
  9. Walker; MSU Bozeman ITEM 215-2018-R1124
  10. Carter; UM Missoula ITEM 215-1005-R1124
  11. Lo; UM Missoula ITEM 215-1010-R1124
  12. Miller; UM Missoula ITEM 215-1012-R1124
  13. Burns; UM Missoula ITEM 215-1013-R1124
  14. Richter; UM Missoula ITEM 215-1014-R1124
  15. Daenzer; UM Western ITEM 215-1601-R1124

Tenure Faculty:

  1. MSU Bozeman; ITEM 215-2000-R1124


  1. Honorary Doctorate, UM Missoula ITEM 215-1007-R1124 | Attachment #1
  2. Request to Plan Proposals | OCHE Executive Summary | Supporting Documents | Attachment #1


  1. Academic Approval Items
  2. Academic Processes Update
  3. Sprint Degree Panel
  4. Montana Online Course Exchange
  5. MUS Research Update
  6. Headwaters Tech Hub
  7. National Security Research and Industry Panel


Adjourn upon completion of business