
Regular Meeting

May 19-21, 2004

Montana State University-Great Falls College of Tech.
2100 16th Street S
Great Falls, MT 59405-4909

Montana State University-Northern
PO Box 7751
Havre, MT 59501-7751

Academic / Student Affairs Items

System Issues

Special Report from Athletic Committee

Administrative/Budget Items

Consent Agenda

Other than the meeting starting time, the times listed are approximate.  These approximate times are intended to give meeting participants a rough idea of the amount of discussion contemplated, but the Board will move to the next part of the agenda upon the completion of the prior topic.  In addition, agenda items may be rearranged unless an item is listed as having a "time certain."    

Action may be taken on any item on the Agenda.


WEDNESDAY, May 19, 2004 Montana State University-Great Falls College of Tech.

10:00 a.m. - 1:00  Budget Committee Meeting - Montana State University - Great Falls College of Technology Heritage Hall

12:00- 1:00  Working lunch provided for Board and Committee members.

Sandwiches available for purchase in cafeteria for all other attendees.

1:00 - 4:00--  Shared Leadership for Economic Development:  Joint meeting of the Board of Regents and Post-secondary Education Policy and Budget subcommittee - Great Falls College of Technology Heritage Hall   Minutes of 3-24-04

Agenda Documents for Shared Leadership to follow in a separate mailing


THURSDAY, May 20, 2004 Montana State University-Northern

7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast for meeting participants - SUB Ballroom

12:00 - 12:40 Board of Regents - Lunch with Student Representatives - SUB Ballroom

12:00 Lunch for all other attendees on your own 

12:40- 1:20 Regents meet with Faculty Senate Representatives - SUB Ballroom

5:00 - 6:00 TOUR: Brockmann Center, (first building to receive classroom update with the use of classroom renovation funds.  This building also houses our new Plumbing Program)

CTEC Lab, (located in the Library and serves the campus and Havre community.  Funded by a Federal Grant)

Hagener Science Center, (houses our NorthNet Distance Delivery classrooms.  Funded by a Federal Grant)

6:00 pm Reception at Donaldson Commons

7:15 p.m. Informal no host farewell dinner for Student Regent Christian Hur at Uncle Joe's, 1400 First Street (AKA Highway 2), Havre (across from the Best Western Great Northern)  

FRIDAY, May 21, 2004

7:00 a.m. Regents Breakfast with Local Business and Civic Leaders - SUB Dining Room 

7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast for all meeting participants -SUB Ballroom

8:00 am Groundbreaking ceremony for new Applied Technology Center

8:30 a.m. Full Board Reconvenes- SUB Ballroom

Meeting Activities

WEDNESDAY, May 19, 2004 Montana State University-Great Falls College of Tech.

(Public Comment is welcome during these meetings)

10:00 a.m. -1:00 Budget Committee Meeting - Montana State University - Great Falls College of Technology Heritage Hall

12:00 - 1:00 Working lunch provided for Board and Committee members.

Sandwiches available for purchase in cafeteria for all other attendees.

1:00 - 4:00 Shared Leadership for Economic Development:  Joint meeting of the Board of Regents and Post-secondary Education Policy and Budget subcommittee - Great Falls College of Technology Heritage Hall Minutes of 3-24-04

Agenda Documents for Shared Leadership to follow in a separate mailing

THURSDAY, May 20, 2004 Montana State University-Northern

7:00 a.m.

Continental Breakfast for all meeting attendees - MSU-Northern - SUB Ballroom

7:30 a.m. - Full Board Convenes - SUB Ballroom






Minutes of the March 24-26, 2004 meeting in Dillon, MT and Minutes of the April 14, 2004 Conference Call meeting.




Joint Nursing Approval Process- ITEM 123-102-R0504 - Establish a Review and Approval Process for Some Nursing Program Proposals, in Order to Coordinate That Review with the State Board of Nursing   Attachment


Update from Nursing Coordinating Group - Regent Roehm and Regent Hamilton

1. Helena Clinical Capacity Study

2. Montana Hospital Association Survey

3. LPN Consultant


Shelby Nursing Program - Regent Roehm - Informational Item


Military Studies - ITEM 122-2014-R0104 - Authorization to Establish a Minor in Military Studies; Montana State University-Bozeman (Revised) SummaryProposal


Admissions Policies - ITEM 123-103-R0504 - Amend Admissions Policies; MUS
f. Letter to Congressional Delegation - Action Item - Student Regent Hur

Military Sciences Minor Process at University of Montana-Missoula - Regent Mercer  Attachment 1    Attachment 2 | Attachment 3 | Attachment 4 | Attachment 5 | Attachment 6



(President Gamble, President Dennison, Chancellor Capdeville, Dean Hoyle)

Over the course of several meetings, all of the CEOs, on a rotating basis, will have an opportunity to talk with the Board about important higher education issues, trends and directions, and concerns related to their campuses.  The Commissioner will determine the rotation.

Please see attached reports

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Committee and Meeting Structure - ITEM 123-110-R0504 - Amend Policy 201.7 By-Laws ART VII. Committees.  (Committee and Meeting Structure for the Board) - Regent Mercer


Trust Lands - ITEM 123-109-R0504 - Administrative Assessments on University Land Grant Income:  Board Options - LeRoy Schramm (Evaluation by Greg Petesch) Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Attachment 3

12:00 - 12:40 Board of Regents- Lunch with Student Representatives - SUB Ballroom


12:40 - 1:20 Regents meet with Faculty Senate Representatives - SUB Ballroom


VI. SPECIAL REPORT - Report from the Special Panel on the UM Athletics Deficit - Judge Dianne Barz Reduction Plan   Cover Letter from Judge BarzExecutive Summary   Report




Validation of Fees - ITEM 123-101-R0504 - Inventory and Validation of Fees; Montana University System   Community Colleges
b. Guaranteed Tuition Rates - ITEM 123-107-R0504 -Adoption of a Guaranteed Tuition Rate for Two Years - Regent Roehm Submission
c. LRBP Report - Informational item -Rod Sundsted
d. Enhancement Project - ITEM 123-2002-R0504 - Authorization to Construct a Student Facilities Enhancement Project; Montana State University-Bozeman Attachment
e. Deferred Maintenance - ITEM 123-1009-R0504 -Deferred Maintenance Projects; The University of Montana-Missoula Attachment 1Attachment 2
f. Easement to Norma Jean Hawbaker - ITEM 123-1011-R0504 - Grant of Easement to Norma Jean Hawbaker to permit access to and from Hawbaker residential property across The University of Montana Biological Station at Yellow Bay on Flathead Lake, Lake County; The University of Montana-Missoula.   Agreement    Map    Pictures
g. Student Health Insurance - ITEM 123-112-R0504 - Student Health Insurance as recommended by the Consortium - Glen Leavitt
h. Naming Science Complex - ITEM 123-1013-R0504 - Naming the Science Complex the "Charles H. Clapp Building"; The University of Montana-Missoula
i. Naming Lewis and Clark Village Community Center - ITEM 123-1014-R0504 - Naming the Lewis and Clark Village Community center the "Barbara Hollmann Community Cen ter";  The University of Montana-Missoula
j. Affiliated Foundations Policy - ITEM 122-109-R0304 - Amend Policy 901.9 Campus Affiliated Foundations
k. Foundation Operating Agreement - ITEM 123-2007-R0504 - Foundation Operating Agreement; Montana State University-Bozeman
l. Foundation Operating Agreement - ITEM 123-2703-R0504 - Foundation Operating Agreement; Montana State University Billings
m. Joint Venture Format ITEM 123-111-R0504 - Format to be used with Policy 407 - University System/Employee Joint Ventures; Montana University System   AttachmentForm
n. Update on FY03 Reported Negative Fund Balances - Laurie Neils


5:00 - 6:00 TOUR: Brockmann Center, (first building to receive classroom update with the use of classroom renovation funds.  This building also houses our new Plumbing Program)

CTEC Lab, (located in the Library and serves the campus and Havre community.  Funded by a Federal Grant)

Hagener Science Center, (houses our NorthNet Distance Delivery classrooms.  Funded by a Federal Grant) 

6:00 pm Reception at Donaldson Commons

7:15 p.m Informal no host farewell dinner for Student Regent Christian Hur at Uncle Joe's, 1400 First Street (AKA Highway 2), Havre (across from the Best Western Great Northern)

FRIDAY, May 21, 2004

7:00 a.m. Regents Breakfast with Local Business and Civic Leaders - SUB Dining Room 

7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast for all meeting participants -SUB Ballroom

8:00 am Groundbreaking ceremony for new Applied Technology Center

 8:30 a.m. Full Board Reconvenes - SUB Ballroom




MCA 2-3-103. Public participation ...The agenda for a meeting, as defined in 2-3-202, must include an item allowing public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of the meeting and that is within the jurisdiction of the agency conducting the meeting. However, the agency may not take action on any matter discussed unless specific notice of that matter is included on an agenda and public comment has been allowed on that matter-


Staff Items:


ITEM 123-100-R0504 - Staff; Office Commissioner of Higher Education
b. ITEM 123-1000-R0504 - Staff; The University of Montana-Missoula
c. ITEM 123-1002-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Sociology upon William M. McBroom; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. ITEM 123-1003-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Political Science upon Forest Grieves; The University of Montana-Missoula
e. ITEM 123-1004-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of English upon Bruce Bigley; The University of Montana-Missoula
f. ITEM 123-1005-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Biological Science and Zoology upon Delbert L. Kilgore, The University of Montana-Missoula
g. ITEM 123-1006-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the title of Professor Emeritus of Geology upon Donald W. Hyndman; The University of Montana-Missoula
h. ITEM 123-1007-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Geology upon Don Winston; The University of Montana-Missoula
i. ITEM 123-1500-R0504 - Staff; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
j. ITEM 123-1500A-R0504 - Staff; Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
k. ITEM 123-1600-R0504 - Staff; The University of Montana Western
l. ITEM 123-1601-R0504 - Authorization to confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Mathematics upon E. Otis Thompson; The University of Montana Western
m. ITEM 123-1602-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Assistant Professor Emeritus of Business upon Glenda Elser; The University of Montana Western
n. ITEM 123-1900-R0504- Staff; The University of Montana - Helena College of Technology
o. ITEM 123-2000-R0504 - Staff; Montana State University-Bozeman
p. ITEM 123-2001-R0504 - Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Microbiology upon John William Costerton; Montana State University-Bozeman
q. ITEM 123-2300-R0504 Staff; Agricultural Experiment Station
r. ITEM 123-2400-R0504 Staff; Cooperative Extension Service
s. ITEM 123-2700-R0504 Staff; Montana State University-Billings
t. ITEM 123-2800-R0504 Staff; Montana State University-Northern


ITEM 123-2850-R0504- Staff; Montana State University - Great Falls College of Technology

Labor Agreements/Other


Local Executive Boards - ITEM 123-106-R0504 - Confirmation of Governor Martz- appointments to Local Executive Boards; Montana University System
b. Rural Physicians Incentives - ITEM 123-105-R0504 - Montana Rural Physicians Incentive Program; Montana University System

Academic Items


LEVEL II MEMO (Presented to the CAOs at this meeting)

1. University College - ITEM 123-2005-R0504 - Authorization to Reorganize Five University-wide Programs into an Administrative Structure entitled University College; Montana State University-Bozeman

2. Childhood Trauma - ITEM 123-1010-R0504 - The Montana Center for the Investigation and Treatment of Childhood Trauma at the Division of Educational Research and Service; The University of Montana-Missoula

3. Radiologic Technology (AAS) - ITEM 123-1001-R0504 - Radiologic Technology; The University of Montana-Missoula College of Technology and Montana Tech of The University of Montana College of Technology

4. Preservation Technology - ITEM 123-1502-R0504 - Historic Preservation Technology; Montana Tech of The University of Montana

5. Networking Technology - ITEM 123-1501-R0504 - Networking Technology; Montana Tech of The University of Montana

b. Level I Memo
c. MSU-Great Falls- Academic Programming in Bozeman - Information Only - Dean Moe

Administrative/Budget Items


Expend Student Computer Fees - ITEM 123-1503-R0504 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana
b. Expend Computer Fee - ITEM 123-2801-R0504 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fee Allocation; Montana State University-Northern
c. Allocate Computer Fee - ITEM 123-1008-R0504 -Student Computer Fee Equipment Allocation; The University of Montana-Missoula
d. Expend Computer & Equipment Fees - ITEM 123-1901-R0504 - Authorization to Expend Student Computer & Equipment Fees; The University of Montana-Helena College of Technology
e. Status of Regent Approved Projects - ITEM 123-2006-R0504 - Annual Status Report on Regents Approved Projects; Montana State University - Bozeman    Attachment
f. Status of Regent Approved Projects - ITEM 123-1012-R0504 - Annual Status Report on Regents Approved Projects; The University of Montana - Missoula    Attachment



Note:  Items not completed by the end of the meeting will be carried over to the next regularly scheduled meeting.




EXECUTIVE SESSION - Crowley Conference Room - SUB 


Personnel Review - President Gamble
b. Personnel Review - President Dennison


BOARD ADJOURNS on completion of business

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The Board of Regents will make reasonable accommodations for known disabilities that may interfere with an individual's ability to participate. Persons requiring such accommodations should make their requests to the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education as soon as possible before the meeting to allow adequate time for special arrangements. You may call or write to: ADA Coordinator, P. O. Box 203101, Helena MT 59620-3101, 406-444-6570, 1-800-253-4091 (TDD)